While ensuring that retirement plan assets are safe from cancellation, ClearingGateway™ operates within the framework of industry regulations and ethical guidelines. Our practices are responsible, transparent, and aligned with the highest standards of legality and integrity. We accept contribution requests and trade requests from your record keeping system on an omnibus or fully disclosed basis. We then trade with the underlying broker/dealer using our FBO accounts, thus insulating your firm from the underlying broker/dealer. Monies for contributions flow through one of our state charted partner banks to ensure that you do not run afoul of federal regulations. Thus cannabis related retirement plan assets are safe from cancellation.
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Your trusted partner in ensuring cannabis related retirement plan assets are safe from cancellation.
NCIA is leading the cannabis industry's unified and coordinated campaign to ensure our business sector is treated fairly and has the opportunity to reach its full potential. Now - more than ever - is the time to invest in your business and the future of the industry by becoming a member.